Sunday, September 28, 2008

Report on the 12th Annual National Archives Workshop

The weekend of September 11-14, 2008 in Niagara Falls, New York was the scene of the 12th National Annual Archives workshop. Well attended by folks from General Service, Intergroups, and those interested in archives - this was a weekend not to be missed. All four of Ontario's Area Archives were present as were others from southern Ontario. It was so great to look around the packed hands-on preservation and conservation workshop on Friday and see name tags with Ontario on them. We can be sure that all the excellent knowledge we received on the whole range of factors involved in being stewards of the Fellowship's archives will be passed on throughout North America and that Canada has taken its place in this very important forum.

Look back over the next couple of days for more specific coverage of the various panels that ran over the course of this 4 day weekend. Once you see the work we did you'll be sure to want to know more about how you can improve on the great work you are already doing in your Districts